

At the main square in Mexico city, as well as in many more cities within the country, crowds of thousands, most of them young people, stated their unconformity by marching on the streets in response to what seems to be considered as, evident fraud and an end to democracy.

Thousands of people from the monument to independence, and all the way to the main square (Zocalo) in the Federal District (Mexico city) shouting sentences against the ascent of the PRI candidate for president, Enrique Peña Nieto, to the big presidential chair. There were marches in Veracruz, Xalapa, Cancun and Guadalajara to protest, also, against PRI assossiation with Televisa (One of the most important media network enterprises in Mexico, along with TvAzteca which are practically the only two TV networks in the country). In Mexico city a young protester climbed up the quite famous ‘Estela de luz’ monument to hang huge mantels with messages written in many languages telling the world of the national crimes against democracy.

#YoSoy132 has clarified that it was not their initiative, and despite the suspicion of some possible relation between the organizers and PRI party, in the end, they were many who respond to the call for a pacific protest for truth and justice. Even Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador declared himself out of anything that has to do with those protesting marches.
