

By: Judith Martínez

León Gto.- It looks like Guanajuato goons will still be governed by the white & blue party (PAN). It was no big surprise, indeed. The governor is now PAN Miguel Marquez Marquez. Urns were barely being sealed up and PAN vocal for the 2012 election, Ricardo Torres Origel, had already published on his twitter account, @torresorigel, that surveys figures were all the way for Miguel Marquez over “Juani” (Juan Ignacio Torres Landa) for over 10 points. And virtual congrats celebration started to show in the virtual world for “3M”. Just as it had been said at the time PREP showed their graphs and showed Marquez 10 points above the next one after him, but eventualy the difference grew bigger in between PAN and PRI as the count for votes went on. It is just a matter of being declared official by IFE (the Federal Election inspector Institute).
